Zelezara Smederevo and Sabac – former US Steel plant (recovery of flat roof hydro insulation on office and production facilities (over 50000m2), complete replacement of roof metal covers, thermo and hydro insulation of production hall roof
Thermo Power Plants in Obrenovac and Kostolac
YURA Corporation Raca – hydro and thermo insulation of the roof of production hall and warehouse
Recovery of flat roof hydro insulation of the Cultural Center building in Smederevo
Recovery of flat roof hydro insulation of the Cultural Center building in Sopot
Various civil building in Belgrade municipalities as Miljakovac, Vidikovac, New Belgrade, Zemun, Karaburma etc.
FIO Kostolac (hydro insulation of hall and electrical power substation roof recovery)
Bambi Pozarevac (hydro insulation recovery of roofs in Pozarevac and Refrigerator in Branicevo)
Hydro insulation of wet knots, balkonies and recovery of roof insulation on individual civil buildings
Complete hydro insulation installation on three bridges on river Mlava under authority of Civil Building Office of Pozarevac
Complete hydro insulation installation of base plate and basement of several big Shoping Malls (Danubius, Don Zon etc.) in Smederevo, Veliko Gradiste and Pozarevac
Complete installation of acid proof insulation on HCL in US Steel Serbia
Hydro insulation of the arc roof of the Sports Center in Pozarevac
Hydro insulation of metallic reservoirs for Lukoil Gas stations all over Serbia
Yearly contract with company “Zdravlje” from Leskovac
HIP Petrohemija Pancevo
TE-TO Novi Sad and Zrenjanin
CE Group – hydro insulation of industrial buildings in limestone factory in Kucevo
TE-TO Novi Sad and Zrenjanin
CHINA MACHINERY ENGINEERING CORPORATION CMEC Kostolac - hydro insulation of roofs and foundation in the construction of block III in Drmno